RPKI implementation at BIT

By: Teun Vink (teun@bit.nl)

About BIT and myself

  • AS12859
  • Business-to-business ISP and Datacenters
  • Focus on technology, tailor-made solutions
  • Teun: 13 years at BIT, team leader of Network Operations

RPKI Implementation - Why?

Our customers expect from us that we:
  • keep their IPs and services reachable
  • offer them correct routes to the internet

And thus that we implement available tools to achieve that.

RPKI Implementation - Why?

RPKI signing at BIT

  • All our own prefixes were signed in September 2018
  • Making ROAs is easy in RIPE's LIR Portal

RPKI signing - considerations

  • DDoS mitigation:
    • Divert traffic via BGP through NBIP Nawas by advertising more specific routes
    • ROAs need to match!
  • Customers with own IP's need to fix ROAs themselves

RPKI validation

  • Implemented in September 2018
  • Validation on Juniper core routers (JunOS 15.1R7.8)
  • RIPE RPKI Validator (wish: Routinator as 2nd validator)
  • Chosen policy: invalid == reject

RPKI validation - implementation

  1. Install RIPE's RPKI Validator (don't forget ARIN's TAL)
  2. Configure validation sessions on Juniper routers
  3. Check validation databases
  4. Add an import policy on routes learned from transits and peers. First label only: valid / unknown / invalid

RPKI validation - implementation (2)

  1. Many manual checks on invalid routes
  2. invalid == reject import policy on peerings and transits
  3. invalid == reject import policy on customer BGP sessions
  4. Now we shouldn't see any invalid routes!
  5. Add invalid == reject to all export policies

RPKI validation - considerations

  • invalid == reject only works if present on all eBGP sessions
  • If you accept a default route validation is pointless*
  • Implement and test monitoring of validators and validation sessions
  • Be careful when transferring IP space!

RPKI validation
in practice

Tools and knowledge

  • Training support desks is essential, so they can recognize reachability issues possibly caused by RPKI
  • Offer tooling to check RPKI validation status

Checking validation status

$ whois -h whois.bgpmon.net

Prefix description:
Country code:        CN
Origin AS:           4134
Origin AS Name:      CHINANET-BACKBONE No.31,Jin-rong Street, CN
RPKI status:         ROA validation failed: Invalid Origin ASN, expected 23650 
First seen:          2011-10-19
Last seen:           2019-01-08
Seen by #peers:      65

External tools


Problems caused by RPKI validation reported by customers:
  • 1st was reported within 1h after enabling
  • 3 were resolved quickly after contacting owners
  • 2 were resolved* after several months
  • all seem to be unintentional, administrative errors


  • Customers understand and appreciate that we reject RPKI invalid routes, even if that breaks things
  • Having an external source to point at helps to show there's a problem at the other side
  • So far we only had to configure one exception


  • 22-12-2018: major outage due to validation
  • Continuous crashes of RPD process, eventually disabling RPKI validation sessions stopped the crashes
  • RPKI validation is temporarily disabled since
  • We will reactivate RPKI validation

Final remarks

  • Don't be afraid to implement RPKI signing and validation
  • Herd immunity: my network becomes safer if you implement both signing and validation


Teun Vink (teun@bit.nl)